맨날 MFC 만 하다가 Win32 로 코딩하려니.. 안습입니다.. ㅠ_ㅠ
젤루 편한 CString, CArray, CStdio 류를 못 쓰게 되니.. 직접 구현해야 하는데.. -_ㅡ;
아무튼 투데이 화면에 플러그인을 등록하고 레이아웃 및 테스트, 디버깅 하려니 완전 삽질이네요.
MSDN에 아래와 같은 글이 있긴 합니다만...
Debugging a Custom Item
One of the problems with developing a Today screen item is how to force the Today screen to unload a custom item so that a developer can download a revised copy of that item. When the Today screen starts, it loads all the DLLs listed under the Items key previously described. The DLLs remain loaded even if the user doesn’t enable them. It’s difficult to update a registered Today screen item because a DLL can’t be overwritten until the Today screen unloads that DLL.
In my experience, the best way to force the Today screen to unload an item is to open a registry editor on the Pocket PC or use the Windows CE Remote Registry Editor and change the name of the DLL listed under the DLL value for your item. You then open the Today screen Control Panel and enable or disable another item and close the Control Panel. This series of actions causes the Today screen to free all DLLs and reload the ones listed in the registry. Because you have just changed the DLL value to some filename that doesn’t exist, the Today screen can’t load that DLL, thereby allowing Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ to download a new copy.
원격 레지스트리, 원격 파일뷰어를 총 동원해서 PPC에 설정을 통해 DLL을 내리고 올리는 수 밖에는 없나 봅니다.
아무튼 뽀족한 수가 없으니 삽질하면서 디버깅을 해야 겠네요.. ㅠ_ㅠ
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